The Cord Chair By Jacques Guillon

A unique design makes the deviation every time – this is proven by the Cord Chair which is designed by Jacques Guillon. Originally designed in 1953 by the Canadian designer Jacques Guillon, the Cord Chair has been out of production for more than xl years. Avenue Route, a Toronto based manufacturer, has announced they volition be re-issuing the chair, beginning in August of 2009. Probably they have establish the correct customers who are willing to buy this unusual chair that tin be both functional, just also used equally a decorative object in your house.

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The framework is made of wood and looks just similar any other normal chair you know. But the unusual feature comes when you await at what is inside that framework: instead of tapestry or even some other slice of woods, yous can only find … cords. As the proper name suggests it, this chair is made of "cords", very resistant threads that are "sewed" into the margins of wood, looking like a cord musical instrument – something like a harp within the frame of a chair. Simply this chair is non used for playing music, but you lot tin sit on it. It is designed to support your weight without a problem.


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