Fire Emblem Three Houses Best Way to Get Professor Levels

Fire Emblem: Iii Houses - Professor Level Guide

A guide on professor level in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Included are the ways to enhance it and the various upgrades each level unlocks.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Walkthrough and Strategy Guide

What is Professor Level?

Fire Emblem Three Houses Professor Level

Professor level is a key parameter that affects your actions, measured through action points, while at the monastery. Raising it allows y'all to spend more time mentoring students, receive more funds for activities, and proceeds more activity points during free days.

You tin can also assign adjutants with a higher professor level. These are characters that you lot tin pair-upwards with other units to assistance them in battle. Adjutants will also earn experience this way, making information technology a good method to level-up weaker units. You can assign more adjutants by increasing your professor level.

Information technology is of import to raise your professor level every bit you lot progress through the main story. Doing so allows you to efficiently train and better equip your students for tougher battles afterward on.

Activity Points

The number of activity points y'all have depends on your Professor Level. As a novice professor, you'll start off with 1 Action Point at Level E. You need to raise your Professor Level to earn more points.

Monastery Activities

Monastery Activity Activity Points Consumed Experience Earned
Quests Free Depends on the quest
Angling Gratis, if you have lures Depends on the quest
Gardening Free 300 exp
Marketplace Shopping Complimentary None
Read personal notes at the advice box. Free To be determined
Spend renown Free Depends on the renown spent
Scan amiibo Gratuitous None
Choir Practice i 200 exp
Cooking Together 1 150 exp
Dining 1, can exist repeated 200 exp
Training Grounds 1, can exist repeated 300 exp
Seminar one To be adamant
Faculty Grooming Guide 1, one time To be determined
Tea Time 1, can be repeated To be determined

How to Increase Professor Level

You can gain experience to increase your professor level through a number of actions. These include constant and proper mentoring, sharing a meal with students and colleagues, and engaging in costless solar day activities.

Getting to know your students and colleagues more by checking their property also nets you experience.

Professor Levels and Upgrades

Level Monastery Activity Points Tutoring Points Boxing Points Adjutant Slots Gardening Seed Plots Monthly Funds
E 1 point 0 point 0 point 0 slot
E+ 2 points 3 points 1 point 0 slot 1 plot 2,ooo gold
D 3 points iv points 1 point 0 slot two plots 3,ooo gilt
D+ four points 4 points ane point 0 slot 2 plots 4,ooo gold
C 5 points 5 points i point 1 slot 3 plots 5,ooo gold
C+ 6 points 5 points 2 points 1 slot iii plots five,ooo aureate
B seven points 6 points 2 points 2 slots 4 plots 5,ooo aureate
B+ 8 points half dozen points two points 2 slots 4 plots 5,ooo golden
A 9 points seven points 2 points 3 slots v plots 5,ooo gold
A+ 10 points 7 points 3 points three slots 5 plots 5,ooo golden

Other Beginner Guides

Getting Started


Tutoring  Free Day Activities Professor Levels
Skill System Support System Motivation System
Budding Talents Class Change and Exams Group Tasks
Battle Organization Battalions Divine Pulse
 Saint Statues Amiibo Gazebo Personal Abilities

Free 24-hour interval Activities

Dining Cooking Together Tea Party
Fishing Gardening Locating Lost Items
Choir Practice Advice Box Giving Gifts
Tournaments Seminars -

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