according to heaton what are the common myths about the industrial revolution

Similar all skillful manufacture trends, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) for manufacturing has come to hateful many things. While well-nigh would agree that it involves the incorporation and interconnectivity of new technologies across production systems, questions remain around the business concern case to really implement these solutions.

In a recent survey (PDF), manufacturing leaders cite "loftier cost of scaling" and "hard to justify business organisation case without short-term touch" as top reasons preventing the full adoption of 4IR technologies across the enterprise.

But are these roadblocks well-founded given the advances in the 4IR? Innovations in manufacturing are far more attainable than many leaders realize.

As the futuristic possibilities of the 4IR are discussed, a number of myths also accept emerged that are holding back the transformative potential of this new era in product.

Below are four of the most meaning myths. Dispelling them has the potential to accelerate the adoption and integration of 4IR solutions and unlock its inherent benefits for production industries for every region of the world.

Myth No. 1: 4IR technologies are likewise expensive

For decades, "engineering" and "innovation" have been synonymous with "expensive." Whether information technology was the first DVD thespian, apartment screen Tv or tablet computer, the early iterations of these technologies tended to come with high toll tags.

However, the beauty of the 4IR is that so much can be done without breaking the bank. For example, by connecting analytics software packages to a "data lake" consisting of existing plant information, in combination with data captured from comparatively inexpensive internet of things (IoT) devices, companies can generate insights from enormous amounts of actionable data to make themselves more efficient and more agile.

While this does require a significant amount of upfront work to implement, it typically translates into optimized processes, shortened cycle times, increased quality, reduced energy losses, shorter downtimes due to maintenance and improved overall equipment effectiveness.

Even when we consider more uppercase-intensive 4IR investments such as advanced robotics, the cost/do good continues to movement in favor of manufacturers implementing these technologies. Not but are prices of robots and automation falling, simply they are doing then as labor costs increase and robot capabilities are increasing.

For example, robots' axes of performance — for example, the range of motility for robotic artillery — have increased sixfold in the last 25 years; their user interface is such that line operators tin suit their behavior and operation "on the fly" with recordable programming; their capability to support human being performance has increased every bit safety standards have increased; and advances in AI continue to lower the cost of the integration of such systems.

Robotics prices versus labor cost

Global manufacturers sympathise that the latest machinery, equipment, robotics and and so on, drastically would transform the way they practice business. However, at that place's also a broad sensation that refitting an entire factory requires significant investment.

Therefore, some manufacturers await for engineering science prices to drib farther earlier investing in a wide scale-upward. This "smart follower" strategy does non seem to pay off in the 4IR due to the different economics related to information and connectivity.

A simulation suggests that the frontrunners in adoption of artificial intelligence, a key 4IR technology, will increase their cash menses by 122 per centum.

A McKinsey Global Plant simulation suggests that the frontrunners in adoption of artificial intelligence, a primal 4IR engineering, will increase their cash catamenia by 122 percent, while followers will run into but a ten pct cash flow increase. The key driver is that higher transition costs and capital expenditures of the frontrunners is overcompensated for by output gains.

Economical gains by AI adoption frontrunners, followers and laggards

Myth No. two: 4IR will cause widespread unemployment

The 4IR in manufacturing is often associated with robots and smart algorithms taking over tasks from humans, creating "lights-off factories" in which humans no longer are needed. This vision fosters fear of massive unemployment and social unrest.

While there is no doubt that repetitive tasks will decline, contempo reports provide a more than positive outlook for the workforce: "The Futurity of Jobs" report by the World Economic Forum shows that 75 1000000 jobs will disappear and 133 million new jobs will be created by 2022 due to the 4IR, across all geographies, industries and functions. Not only will there be more jobs, but the new jobs likewise will exist more attractive compared to the disappearing jobs, with more diverse and challenging tasks and a college emphasis on creativity, trouble-solving and interpersonal communications skills.

While there is no doubt that repetitive tasks will decline, recent reports provide a more positive outlook for the workforce.

In manufacturing, while we expect a decline of tasks for assembly and factory workers, cloth handlers, quality inspectors and maintenance technicians; this decline will be counterbalanced past an increase of roles in the fields of data analytics, artificial intelligence, software and application development and technologies. The challenge to be overcome, so, is how to re-skill the existing workforce.

Efforts to build capabilities are at the forefront for leading organizations. So-called "lighthouse" examples from some of the world's most advanced 4IR factories are investing significant resource on change direction and upskilling their workforces, with digital academies being deployed to train a large share of their employees.

These re-skilling endeavors are supported by the fact that new technologies are condign easier to implement — for example, employees without Information technology backgrounds can acquire how to develop apps using lawmaking-free app evolution platforms, and collaborative robots can be "trained" without programming.

Expected average reskilling needs beyond companies, by share of employees, 2018-2022

Without doubt, the 4IR has a huge disruptive potential on the workforce in manufacturing. It is essential that more than organizations have an active role in reskilling their existing workforce; that individuals arroyo lifelong learning proactively; and that governments assist in these efforts; to ensure that the workforce and society will do good from the opportunities brought by the 4IR.

Myth No. 3: Businesses must forgo profits to achieve sustainability

It is well accepted that implementing more than advanced technological solutions can help make businesses more efficient and therefore more sustainable.

For many business leaders, talking about sustainability remains either a marketing strategy, or a signal that the visitor is going to forgo greater profits to go more "greenish." This mindset — that one must choose between what is right for the bottom line and what is sustainable — must shift.

To do this, we demand to kickoff alter the mode nosotros think and define sustainability. Today, it is far more than planting trees or putting a few solar panels on the roof — although these are nevertheless adept things to do. Instead, we need to think about sustainability in terms of sustained success, and in the broader context of contributing positively to the workforce, society at large and the surroundings.

As important, becoming sustainable does not have to mean massive changes. For example, the installation of intelligent lighting controls can save over twoscore percent of energy used in lighting, and a edifice energy direction system to optimize a plant'south energy use can save up to xxx percent of energy consumption. Some of the easiest savings can be fabricated through managing off-time schedules more accurately.

Myth No. 4: 4IR is only for big multinational companies in developed markets

There'southward a common understanding that only large multinational companies in developed markets can deploy and benefit from 4IR technologies. This is not always the case, co-ordinate to a recent World Economic Forum white newspaper "Fourth Industrial Revolution: Beacons of Technology and Innovation in Manufacturing," which details 16 of the world'south most advanced 4IR factories.

For example, 1 of the "lighthouse" factories is owned by Rold, an Italian SME with 250 staff, which implemented 4IR technologies with a small squad and limited investment. The company created total transparency of its product process in order to identify and resolve root causes for quality deviations and performance losses. Subsequently only one year, the company accomplished 7 to 8 percent acquirement growth, enabled past an 11 percent increase of the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

In improver, the network of lighthouses shows that 4IR technologies are not the exclusive domain of developed economies. In fact, China is one of the leaders, with a high number of lighthouses, and other lighthouses are in Eastern Europe and in the Center Due east.

Enno de Boer, a partner at McKinsey, said: "The high number of lighthouses in China is a clear sign of People's republic of china'southward ambition to retain and enhance its manufacturing base while labor costs increase, to avert a migration of manufacturing jobs to countries with lower wages."

Image: McKinsey Global Institute

If manufacturers collectively can come to see these four myths for what they are — self-imposed barriers to attaining new heights of success — and so we finally may unlock the full potential of the 4IR for industry and usher in a new era of innovation, productivity and inclusive growth.


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