what are the collagen fibers that extend from the periosteum to the bone matrix called


Os is a specialized circuitous, living connective tissue that supports the body and protects vital organs of the trunk.[1][2] Impregnation of the extracellular matrix with the inorganic salts like calcium phosphate and carbonate provides hardness to the bone.[three]

Types of Bones: Histologically, bones categorize into ii types (one) cortical or compact bone and (2) cancellous bone or spongy bone.

Meaty Os (IMAGE 1): The shaft of the long bone like femur has a cavity known as a bone marrow crenel; the cavity is walled by dense material. The dumbo material is of uniform smooth texture without whatever crenel inside is known as the meaty bone. Meaty bone slowly changes according to the stress, tension, and other mechanical forces.[4][five][vi]

Cancellous bone: The ends of the long bones are devoid of the marrow crenel. Instead, they are populated with mesh-like structure made up of plates and rods; it contains numerous minute spaces. The construction gives a sponge-like advent, then this type of os is known as cancellous or spongy bone. Spongy bone has a larger surface area and a high metabolic rate.[7][viii][six]

Bone is a vascular structure and has a nervous supply also. The outer roofing of the bone is known as the periosteum; the periosteum covers the whole surface of the bone except at the ligament attachment, tendon zipper, and an surface area covered by articulating cartilage. The periosteum is absent in sesamoid bones.[ix][10]

A membrane lining the wall of the bone marrow crenel is known equally the endosteum.[eleven]

Issues of Concern

Bones are crucial for skeletal back up to the body; it is a site of hemopoietic cells and a reservoir of calcium and phosphate.[11]

The periosteum and endosteum are essential for growing, fracture healing, and remodeling of the bone.[12] The functional state of the bone dictates the noticeable variations in the periosteum'southward microscopic appearance.[13][11]

Periosteum and endosteum contain cells (osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteoprogenitor cells) required for bone development and remodeling of the os. Understanding the histology of the endosteum and periosteum will aid to decode the pathological conditions of os.


Periosteum: The periosteum consists of 2 layers; Outer fibrous membrane and inner cellular layer.[vi]

Outer fibrous layer: Outer is an irregular, dense connective tissue type with more collagenous matrix and less number of cells.[14][6][15] The outer layer further subdivides into a superficial and deep layer; the superficial layer is more vascular and receives periosteal vessels, while the inner layer is a fibro-rubberband layer.[15][xiv][6][xvi]

The inner cellular layer of the periosteum is also described as the inner cambium layer by some authors. It is fabricated upward of osteoprogenitor cells (fibroblast-like cells); information technology is as well known as the osteogenetic layer. [14] The Inner layer contains osteoblasts in young developing bones. [xiv][17] Although in adult bones, osteoblasts may exist absent, they announced whenever required (due east.one thousand., fracture healing). [12] Osteoprogenitor cells are multipotent stem cells; they tin can undergo mitotic partitioning and differentiate into osteoblasts by taking up thymidine.[17][18][17] The inner layer is also a rich vascular structure with many microvessels; stimulated pericytes derived from the endothelium of these microvessels may augment the osteoblast formation from the osteoprogenitor cells.[19]

Blood vessels supplying the periosteum hold a modest quotient and branches in to supply the Haversian and Volkmann canals. Sharpey'south fibers, clusters of periosteal collagen fibers, beetle the bone matrix and bind the periosteum to the bone. These fibers exist more at the zipper of ligaments and tendons to os. [14]

The periosteum is thick in initial years of life; the thickness of the periosteum decreases every bit age advances. Periosteum thickness differs with the site of the bone likewise.[20] The periosteum is not nowadays in sesamoid types of bones.[21][22]

Endosteum: A membrane lining the inner surface of the bony wall also identified as the lining membrane of the Bone marrow cavity is endosteum; The endosteum lines the Haversian canal and all the internal cavities of the os. The endosteum consists of a layer of flattened osteoprogenitor cells and a type-3 collagenous fibers (reticular fibers).[23][xviii] The endosteum is noticeably thinner than the periosteum.[24][xviii]

Endosteum is classified into three types based on their site: (i) Cortical endosteum: endosteum lining the bone marrow cavity, (ii) Osteon endosteum: Endosteum lining the osteons mainly contains fretfulness and blood vessels. (iii) Trabecular endosteum: Lines the trabecula near the developing role of the bone. Information technology plays a office in the growth and development of the bone.[25][26][27][28][thirteen][29]


  1. Nutrition to the bony tissue: periosteal blood vessel supplies the bony wall and internal osseous tissue up to some extent.[thirty] Nerves characterize the vessels that supply the bone and its periosteum. The bulk of the nerves flowing along the internal cavity with the nutrient avenue are vasomotor fibers that control blood period.[1]

  2. Bone growth: During the development of the bone, the periosteum is thick and contains osteoprogenitor cells; Osteoblasts differentiated from the osteoprogenitor cells are crucial for the appositional growth of the bone.[18] Endosteum plays a office in the formation of an internal matrix by absorption and deposition of tissue.[vi] The endosteum stimulates the uninterrupted internal os resorption. The medullary canal, along with the overall bone diameter, increases because of endosteum-stimulated resorption.[31][32] Endosteal endoblasts secrete bone matrix and compose ridges beside the periosteal claret vessels. The bony ridges expand and fuse to convert the groove into a vascularized tunnel. Endosteal osteoblasts compose new lamellae and class new osteons. Finally, a new circumferential lamella appears below the periosteum. This process repeats for continuous os bore enlargement, which slows downwardly with machismo.[33]

  3. Repair: Osteoprogenitor cells nowadays in the periosteum are multipotent stem cells (MSC) that tin can induce bone development whenever required, like with a fracture of the bone.[34] After a fracture, the periosteal vessels bleed around the defect, forming clots around the os fragments. The osteoblasts multiply inside two days, allowing cambium expansion and forms callus. Osteoblastic differentiation instigates bone growth betwixt the fracture ends. Traumatic hematoma leads to the rapid multiplication of endosteal cells, aiding in ostial solidification, and rebuilding a span of reparatory callus.[12][35][36]

  4. Bone modeling and remodeling: Periosteum, endosteum, and its cells play a critical part in modeling and remodeling.

    • Bone remodeling is a procedure where osteoclasts and osteoblasts work sequentially to reshape and renew bone; the process continues throughout life. It divides into four phases; (a) recruitment and activation of osteoclasts, (b) resorption of old bony tissue, (c) apoptosis of osteoclasts, and activation of osteoblasts (d) laying of new organic matrix and mineralization.[37][38][39]

    • Bone modeling is a process to shape the bone during growth, evolution, and healing. Mechanical factors like stress, strain, tension, muscular attachment, etc. play an important role in bone modeling. Osteoblasts and osteoclast play an contained role in bone modeling.[37][eleven][37]

  5. Calcium Homeostasis: Endosteum plays a office in the deposition of calcium in the matrix; also, it is a medium for the transfer of calcium between the bony matrix and claret.[32][16][31]

  6. The periosteum is a medium for the attachment of muscles, tendons, and ligaments to the bone. Tendon fibers perforate the outer layer of the periosteum and go along as the perforating fibers of Sharpey.[forty][41][42]

  7. Limiting membrane: Periosteum appears to prevent spilling out of the osseous tissue so also known as limiting membrane.[14][12][15][43]

Tissue Training

Ground Section of the Bone: Traditionally, the footing department is used to observe the histology of the bone without staining. In the ground department, the bone tin be examined histologically without calcification.

  • Steps for the ground section of the boneastward: The specimen is placed 20% formalin solution for 24 hours, washed with tap water. The bone is sectioned to the desired thickness past any of the post-obit methods. 1. Ultramicrotome with a diamond cut bract.  2. Grinding with burr from both sides. 3. Paw grinding using a carborundum rock. A continuous spray of water and Paris powder is recommended while grinding the tissue to avoid harm to the histology of the tissue.

    • Reward of the Ground department method: Minimal minerals are lost during the method.

    • Disadvantage: Ultrathin sections are difficult to achieve.[44]

Other Methods for Undecalcified Bone Preparation for Periosteum and Endosteum Written report[45][46][47][48]:

  • The specimen is put in an air-tight container with 20% phosphate-buffered formalin with minimal calorie-free exposure.

  • Trim and cut the bone with a ring saw according to the required size and office to be studied. The specimen should be trimmed to the adequate thickness.

  • The specimen is kept in x to twenty% formalin for 2 weeks.

  • Shift the specimen in ascending concentration of ethanol: one week in 70% ethanol, i calendar week in lxxx% ethanol, one week in 90% ethanol, one calendar week in 100% ethanol.

  • The specimen is cleared in butanol for one week avoiding exposure light.

  • The specimen is put in a mold and embedded with a resin solution matching the density of the tissue. While embedding cutting surface of the tissue should be directed downward, hardener tin can be added to the resin also.

  • The mold is kept overnight, a mix of 2-component resin, based on methyl methacrylate (two part powder and ane part of the liquid) is poured in the recess to cover the base of the block. After 10 to fifteen minutes, the mold tin can exist pulled away. The prepared cake should be stored in a desiccator.

  • For fluoroscopic examination, a ground section of the tissue of 20 to 50-micrometer thickness is used. Ultramicrotome with a diamond bract is used to section the block.

  • Mounting the section: advisedly selected sections taken on the slide and kept in the incubator at lx to lxxx degrees Celsius for one hour.; section adheres to the slide and can exist used after cleaning and polishing.

  • The staining methods can also exist used similar hematoxylin and eosin, Von Kossa staining method, Masson Goldner's Trichrome.

  • Tissue can be processed for fluorochrome exam.

Phenotypic properties of the human periosteum and the distribution of the cells within diverse strata are observable with immunohistochemical staining techniques and RT-PCR.

Fluoresence Microscopy [49][fifty][51]:

  • Remove fresh periosteum by utilizing edgeless forceps to protect the cambium and gristly layers.

  • Ready the periosteal sample tissue in ane% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) for a minimum of iv hours.

  • Freeze the sample in liquid nitrogen and arise vertically into the Oct chemical compound of the cryosectioning.

  • Take 2 to 8 micrometers thick cross-sections at 5 degrees Fahrenheit temperature. Stain the section with standard hematoxylin/eosin staining method to verify the orientation of the periosteum and to check for both the cambium and the fibrous layers.

  • Immunostaining: Incubate the samples with 0.two% Triton 10-100 in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) at room temperature for ten minutes.

Tartrate-resistant acidic phosphatase (TRAP) stain, Incubate cells for 15 minutes with ELF97 substrate in 110 mM acetate buffer (pH five.2) containing one.ane mM sodium nitrite and seven.four mM tartrate (Sigma Aldrich).[51][49]

For Decalcified Bone [52][53][54]:

Low-cal Microscopy:

  • Immerse bone specimen in 2% phosphate-buffered paraformaldehyde for two weeks.

  • Decalcify in 7% with 0.v % paraformaldehyde for 35 to fifty days.

  • Embed the tissue in paraffin; cutting ii to 3-micrometers-thick sections with an ultramicrotome. Take the selected section on glass slides and rehydrate through a series of graded booze concentration.

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

  • Cut the tissue into small samples (approximately1 mm)

  • Gear up into ii% paraformaldehyde and 0.5% gluteradehyde.

  • Embed in the acrylate- and methacrylate-based resin Lowicryl HM23 with descending temperature according to standard protocol.

Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

Rehydrate sections in descending concentration of booze solution.

Haematoxylin and Eosin [45] [48] :

  • Identify the rehydrated section on a slide.

  • Stain with standard Haemotoxylin for 5 to 10 minutes.

  • Wash with tap water for iv to 5 minutes.

  • Stain with Eosin for five minutes.

  • Wash in tap water.

  • Mount and observe in a microscope.

  • Results: Osteoid looks pink; calcified bone looks purplish brown, nuclei wait blue.

Von Kossa staining (Chemical Mechanisms of Staining Methods: Von Kossa's Technique) [55] [45] :

  • Put the department in silver nitrate solution approximately for at least ten minutes under strong calorie-free; the section should exist turned blackness.

  • Wash with distilled water for three to v times and and then treat put in sodium thiosulfate for 4 to vi minutes.

  • Launder with distilled water for ane to 2 minutes so counterstain with safranin O.

  • Clear with xylene and mountain on the glass slide.

  • Mineralized bone looks blackness with red to pinkish osteoids.

Masson Goldner'south Trichrome[45][56][57][58][59]:

  • Use alkaline booze (90 ml 80% ethanol mixed with 10mls 25% ammonia) to wash the department then rinse with tap water.

  • Wash with distilled water

  • Stain with Weigert due south Haematoxylin for 10 minutes

  • Launder with distilled water

  • Wash with 1% acetic acid for 20 to 30 seconds

  • Stain with reagent ane, e.g., stain with Ponceau-Fuchsin last solution 5 minutes

  • Wash with 1% acerb acid for 20 to 30 seconds

  • Stain with reagent 2, e.thousand., phosphomolybdic acrid-orange Thousand solution for 5 minutes

  • Wash with one% acetic acrid for xx to 30 seconds

  • Stain with Reagent 3 eastward.g., lite dark-green for five minutes

  • Wash with 1% acetic acid for xx to 30 seconds

  • Wash with distilled h2o

  • Mount with non-aqueous mounting media

  • Mineralized os looks dark-green, osteoid looks orange or reddish, nuclei wait blue-grey, and cartilage looks purple.

Immunohistochemical Staining and Fluorescence Microscopy [51] [60] [61] :

  • Incubate cells for 15 mins in acetate buffer (110mM, pH five.two) for 14-xvi minutes ELF97 substrate. Stain nuclei with DAPI (4′,6-diamidine-2′-phenylindole dihydrochloride, 10 ng/mL)

  •  Antibody for the desired epitope can exist used for immunohistochemical staining e.1000., Stro-one, alkaline phosphatase, vimentin, MHC Grade-II, CD3, core-binding factor blastoff-1.

  • Mountain the stained section in fluorescence mounting medium; study the section under a confocal microscope.

Recombinant DNA produced via coating formalin-stock-still paraffin-embedded PCL/PLLA specimens with PLLA nanofibers can exist used to demonstrate the inner chemistry of the periosteum.

Mayer'due south hematoxylin counterstain helps to marker cells underlying PCL/PLLA scaffold, within the periosteum, and layers of PLLA nanofibers. (PCL=polycaprolactone-co-lactide ) Calcium is stained with alizarin red stain and is visible at the interface between the PCL/PLLA inner scaffold. Phosphate, marked with a black stain by von Kossa treatment, reflects the same traits as the surface area stained with alizarin cherry-red.[l]

For Electron Microscopy

Set up the bone in glutaraldehyde for 2 hours. Wash the tissue using a saccharose solution overnight and postfix the sample in osmium tetroxide for about 1 hour. After dehydrating the sample with propylene oxide and booze, embed the sample in Epon B. Prepare thin slices and stain the sample using toluidine blue, followed by another cutting using an ultramicrotome with a diamond pocketknife to gain ultrathin samples. Use uranyl acetate to stain the ultrathin sections and lead with citrate earlier viewing information technology under the transmission electron microscope.[62]

Microscopy Calorie-free

To prepare a compound microscopy sample, researchers cut the bone sample to approximately 25 mm in length using a saw microtome. They refine the os using some warm water and polish the side that will touch the microscope glass slide using the grinding paper and micro-mesh polishing pad. Afterward, they clamp the entire segment in a vice and carefully make a narrow slice. They cut the section to 5mm past 5mm chip. Transparent epoxy mucilage is used to bind the segment to the microscope drinking glass slide. Researchers then firmly attach the sample to the slide, using the smoothen paper to decrease thickness to about 25um. The dust is removed by wiping the training with water followed by coverslipping earlier terminal viewing under 40x magnification.[50][63][64]

Ground department meaty bone (Image 1,ii): lamellar organization of Boston with Haversian canal is visible in the horizontal section of the bone. At the outer surface thin layer of the periosteum tin can be seen. Two layers of the periosteum are difficult to differentiate in the basis department. In many cases, periosteum may besides be lost if not properly preserved. Endosteum is visible as the lining membrane of the osteon and the internal wall of the shaft.

Hematoxylin and eosin stain (Epitome 3):

The periosteum is equanimous of 2 layers: The outer firm and a fibrous layer made upward of collagen and reticular fibers and an inner proliferative cambial layer.

The periosteum is identifiable on the outer surface of the bone; both layers of the periosteum tin be differentiated. The outer layer provides elasticity, while the inner layer consists of three to 4 layers of cells.

Periosteum divides into three zones.

The first zone adjacent to the bony surface predominantly contains osteoprogenitor and osteoblast; this thinnest part of the periosteum can be named equally a germinative zone.[65]

The second zone is the thickest part and transparent part of the periosteum; information technology contains capillaries and amorphous extracellular matrix. Fibroblast is abundant in this layer. This layer contains pericyte along with microvessels.[15] Pericytes are resting stalk cells with the adequacy to differentiate into osteoblast; they stimulate wound healing in the fracture and can regulate the blood flow.[66][27][67] Pericyte secretes alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteoclast marker and bony matrix, osteocalcin, osteonectin, osteopontin, and bone sialoprotein.[68] Zone I and 2 are collectively known as the cambium layer.

The third zone of the periosteum consists of arable fibroblast and collagen fibers; the extracellular matrix is low in corporeality. The collagen fibers are house and insoluble. This layer is as well known as the fibrous layer. With the crumbling, collagen fibers and cells decrease, and periosteum becomes thinner.[69]

The endosteal membrane is identifiable equally a membrane covering the osteonal (Haversian) canal, and Volkman'due south canal.

Osteoprogenitor cells are identifiable in both endosteum and deeper layer of the periosteum; In adult bone, the deeper layer of the periosteum is thinner. Osteoprogenitor cells appear flattened with light staining in growing bones. It may exist acidophilic or slightly basophilic also. In the inner layer, multiple cells are visible, while in the outer layer shows fibrous structure. The bone roofing is a layer of the flattened cells in sites where remodeling is not active.[27][50][27][70]

PEriosteum is anchored to osseous tissue by extended cellular processes betwixt osteoblasts and osteocytes known every bit the lacuna-canalicular network. The perforating fibers besides form a boom-like structure and continue with collagenous fibers of the internal matrix of the os; these perforating fibers are known every bit Sharpey's fibers too keep the periosteum anchored to the os. The other involves perforating fibers.[71]

Microscopy Electron

The outer fibrous layer and the inner cellular layer of the periosteum is differentiated in electron micrography. The inner layer contains osteoprogenitor cells, which show the presence of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), complimentary ribosomes, Golgi appliance, and other organelles.[72][73]

The periosteal cells at inactive sites show the paucity of organelles in the extranuclear area. Gap junctions are identifiable between neighboring periosteal cells. Some workers describe these periosteal cells as derivatives of the osteoblasts. These periosteal cells have a nutritional role in the bone.[74]


Inflammation of the periosteum, periostitis, involves a dynamic pathophysiological pathway. Acute periostitis is caused past infection, which is marked by severe hurting, the formation of pus, pain, constitutional symptoms, resulting in necrosis. An immoderate level of concrete activity as well, equally in the case of tibial periostalgia, instigates the formation of periostitis. Acute periostitis usually initiates in the deeper osteogenic layer of the periosteum by exudation and inflammation effectually the vessels; the periosteum unfastens and lifts from the bone by the exudation, leading to eventual destruction. This condition may pb simply to exfoliation or maybe the indication of all-encompassing necrosis.

Periostitis involves the IL1RN (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist) cistron and utilizes the innate allowed system, and pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) Induced Signaling to establish its mechanisms. PEDF is a fellow member of the serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) family. This polypeptide is traced dorsum to as the agent of inflammation in cases of periostitis. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and type 2 interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R2) are the associated regulators of IL-one biologic action. During the inflammatory response, IL-1ra levels increase more than IL-1 levels, indicating that IL-1ra works to cake farther IL-ane activity and acts in the eventual termination of the inflammation; however, a mutation may inhibit IL-1ra activity. Individuals with this mutation either practice not make or make defective, IL-i receptor antagonists (IL-1Ra). This status is known as DIRA (deficiency of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist), which is caused past homozygous recessive deletions of 2q13, E77X, N52KfsX25, and Q54X genes. The absence of IL-1ra results in unchallenged signaling through the IL-1R, leading to hyperactivity of cells related to IL-1-alpha and IL-1-beta with overproduction of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. The malfunctioning of the IL-i pathway yields systemic inflammation. Osteomyelitis may show a correlation with periostitis; still, misassociation has persisted in the by due to similar symptoms. Acute periostitis seldom affects the joints and may pb to the devastation of the medulla without acute inflammation. Congenital infection with syphilis may also lead to periostitis in newborn infants.[75][76][77][78]

Endosteal hyperostosis is an autosomal dominant sclerosing bone disorder marked by skeletal densification. This condition is mutual in the tubular long bones and the cranial vault without a prominent risk of fracture. The syndrome results from a mutation in the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related poly peptide-5 (LRP5) gene that yields increased bone formation. G171V mutation in the LPR5 was identified every bit the sub-mechanism. It can be distinguished from VBD and sclerostosis via a more harmless clinical presentation, although the radiological analysis may overlap.[79]

Clinical Significance

Cartilage repair: Cambium layer (deep layer) of the periosteum contains multipotent stem cells that can differentiate in both osteoblasts equally well every bit chondroblasts. The periosteal graft can help to repair the articular cartilage defect.[65][51][80][51]

Bone repair: The periosteum is also used to repair a bone defect; the fibula is one of the common bone used for bone grafting. Various reconstructive surgical procedures now require autologous periosteum for repairing lost tissues.[81][82]

Periosteal grafts and periosteal stripping can be used in limb equalizing procedures in patients with limb length discrepancies.[83][84][85]

Periosteum plays a significant role in the recovery from orthopedic and invasive dental procedures. [86][87][30]

Excessive periosteal generation contributes to Paget's illness. A heterogeneous region of osteosclerotic os models in precincts of the formerly pure osteolytic skeleton. Long basic and patchy sclerosis that superimposes on earlier osteolytic processes directly show this development. Over time, os traits may evolve into a dominant osteosclerotic advent. The advent is coordinated with periosteal new bone formation, increasing bone circumference.[xxx][88]

Review Questions

Bone Structure, Articular Cartilage, Ephiphyseal Line, Spongy Bone, Medullary Cavity, Endosteum, Periosteum


Bone Structure, Articular Cartilage, Ephiphyseal Line, Spongy Bone, Medullary Crenel, Endosteum, Periosteum. Contributed Illustration past Beckie Palmer

Horizontal ground section of the compact bone


Horizontal ground section of the compact bone. Contributed by Dr. Viren Karia, MS (anatomy); P.D.U. Regime MEDICAL COLLEGE, RAJKOT

Endosteum lining the osteon in ground section of the compact bone


Endosteum lining the osteon in ground section of the compact bone. Contributed by Dr. Pradip Chauahn

Periosteum under different magnification power (H & E stain)


Periosteum under different magnification power (H & E stain). Contributed by Dr. Pradip Chauhan, MS Anatomy



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